Terms Of Use Disclaimer

This page consists of general Terms Of Use conditions. When using this website, you agree to abide by these terms. No personal data is processed through this website, and is in accordance with our privacy policy. As part of this agreement, you automatically consent to these terms.

Basic Agreement

You agree not to use this website to do any of the following:

Anything illegal, no matter your geographical location.
Cause nuisance to other users, or non-users with the use of this website.
Interfere with the normal running of this website.
Try to access our systems in a way other than those advertised by us and, in particular, to use a web crawler that does not respect the robots exclusion policy.
Copying the text from this website that will charge you for copyright infringement.

Trademarks & Copyrights

No claim is made to the exclusive right(s) to use [ANY LOGOS, OR WORDS NOT OF THE 760AIRE.COM IDENTITY] apart from any marks/words shown on this website, and by you reading this disclaimer, you are informed in this moment, that this is not a real working website.

This website is solely for display purposes only, for the sale of the designed website template, html, css, javasript, jquery coding, and custom graphics. 760AIRE.COM is not a real business, and there are no employees.

The way you interpret this website, and its function is not the responsibility of 760AIRE.COM.

Use Of This Content & Its Intellectual Property

You agree not to use, copy, or replicate any text, html, or images from this website.

This website is for display purposes only, and was created, designed, and programmed by an artist developer. Copying anything from this website will land you a copyright infringement, and plagiarism lawsuit. So, DON'T COPY, OR SCREENSHOT ANYTHING FROM THIS SITE WITH THE INTENT TO USE IT IN BAD FAITH.

Copying, and using anything from this site to harass any user, owner, developer, or creator of this site, will land you a lawsuit, and/or countersuit.

Server Logs

What happens when you visit this website, and its pages.

Upon visiting this website, the computer hosting the website automatically logs your IP Address, which is the IP address that your ISP has assigned to you, along with the time you visited. It logs the pages, images, and/or documents, that you may have accessed, or even downloaded, including the type of browser you are using, and the search engine. So, by using this website, you consent to having your use of this website, as described above, recorded.